Partial List of commands

The lexicon for Amadeus has outpaced our documentation squad. Nonetheless, here is a quick run down of commands as of March, 2018.

Miscellaneous Commands - various response routines

  • Search the web for SEARCHTERM: launches a web browser searching for SEARCHTERM li>
  • (Complete|Detailed|Full|) Research SEARCHTERM: Search Wikipedia for SEARCHTERM li>
  • random Bible verse: reads a random Bible verse li>
  • read Bible BBB chapter NNN: Reads chapter NNN of Bible book BBB li>
  • read Bible verse BBB CCC VVV: reads verse VVV from chapter CCC of the BBB book of the Bible li>
  • pick a number between LOW and HIGH: Picks a random number between LOW and HIGH li>
  • How do you make chili: Tells you the ingredients and a quick recipe for chili li>
  • Tell me a [dirty|funny] joke: Tell me a joke (optional: dirty - yes, offensive or funny: author's favourite "clean" jokes) li>
  • What time is it: Tells current (server) time li>
  • What is today: tells current date (server time) li>
  • Am I (funny|cute): Whistles at you li>
  • What's my name: Tells your current user number/name li>

Weather-related commands - Weather subsystem

  • What is the temperature (for ZIPCODE): Reports temperature (defaults to local zipcode unless specified) li>
  • What is the weather forecast (for ZIPCODE|for CITY, STATE): Reports temperature (defaults to local zipcode unless specified) li>
  • Run a weather report: Runs a multi-location temperature report (requires BrainJogger ID and setup) li>

News / Information-related commands - Podcast subsystem

  • List news sources: list news sources available as MP3 / Podcasts for playing li>
  • Play the news: Play default news podcast (NPR) li>
  • Play the BBC: Plays the podcast / MP3 for BBC li>
  • Play NPR: Plays the podcast / MP3 for NPR li>
  • Play grammar girl: Plays the Grammar Girl podcast li>
  • Play the word of the day : Plays the podcast / MP3 for YYY li>
  • Play the CBC: Plays the CBC Hourly news cast li>
  • Read[yesterday's] wikinews: reads headlines from wikinews (yesterday is optional if you want to go back one day) li>
  • Play the CBC: Plays the podcast / MP3 for CBC li>
  • Play the CNN: Plays the podcast / MP3 for CNN li>
  • Play the daily Bible verse: Plays the podcast / MP3 for NAB's daily Bible verse li>
  • Play the AP: Plays the podcast / MP3 for AP (Associated Press) li>
  • Play the FOX: Plays the podcast / MP3 for FOX News li>
  • Play the New York Times: Plays the podcast / MP3 for NYT Daily li>
  • Play FirstUp news: Plays the podcast / MP3 for NPR's FirstUp Podcast li>
  • Where am i: Reports last known location (if you have activated location code beta and updated SETLOC through mobile client) li>
  • What does YYY mean: lookup of YYY li>
  • How did the DOW do today?: Report last closing of the DOW Jones Industrial Index li>
  • How did SSS do today?: Report last price of stock symbol SSS li>

  • What is the phase of the moon: Reports phase of the moon, shows latest image li>
  • Show the moon: Just shows latest image of moon li>

Task related commands - Tasking subsystem - Requires brainJogger ID and setup

  • Update all late (chores|tasks): Updates all overdue tasks or chores li>
  • what is the default context for (tasks|chore): Report the default context for a new task. chore, etc. li>
  • set the default context for (tasks|chore): Report the default context for a new task. chore, etc. li>
  • list top [CATEGORY] tasks: List out top 5 tasks for a give category li>
  • what do I need to buy: List top entry on the BUY category of tasks li>
  • I bought XXX: Remove item XXX from the task BUY list li>

Historical Call/Response Pairs

  • Where are you?
  • Are you there?
  • What is the time
  • Goodnight
  • You have a bug
  • Do you know where
  • bedtime / goodnight
  • how are you feeling
  • thanks
  • How goes
  • tell me a joke
  • tell me a funny joke
  • tell me a dirty joke
  • good morning / hello / hi

Undocumented / In-development Commands

  • Are you a troll: Troll Alexa li>
  • House control commands (requires local access and additional modules)
  • House alarm commands (requires local access and additional modules)
  • Site monitoring / incident alarm commands (requires data center admin access and additional modules)